Thursday, April 3, 2014

Create a World of Imagination


Poetry brings joy to life. In each verse, lie layered meanings. Famous poets like John Keats, Edgar Allen Poe, Rudyard Kipling, and Oscar Wilde left behind a rich repertoire of poems that exalt life. Their poetry delves into the profundity of life. Some of these acclaimed poets were also well-known novelists ~ Kim Khurana
I love Poetry it creates a world of imagination and thought provoking twist. One of my favorite weird readings are stories written by Edgar Allan Poe. As a young teenager, Edgar Allan Poe's writings intrigued me. "And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, Shall be lifted -- Nevermore!" Can you imagine your soul in the shadow, a shadow of yourself floating without suspension no anchor or since of direction, moving where and when the wind blows. But, then he says shall be lifted. Now I'm sure the interpretation various from person to person. But for me, shall be lifted means the weigh is off, my head no longer hangs down and I can see hope. Edgar Allan Poe's writings are dark. He seemed very depressed in my opinion but, for some reason I enjoy his writing now as I did long ago.  
Writing is challenging and yet Edgar Allan Poe wrote thousands of pages many pages from his life experiences. Take this quote: Can it be fancied that Deity ever vindictively, Made in his image a manikin merely to madden it? What does this mean to you? A Deity being vindictive creating mankind to madden it? I wonder what he was thinking when writing this one? It seems very deeply rooted in perhaps madness just a thought. Perhaps he did not understand how God could create mankind and mankind turn mad in their minds without a clear picture of reality. I would love to hear your thoughts on this one.
       Sound loves to revel in a summer night. Imaging writing on a summer night as you view the ski and listen to the water ripple softly back and forth. You could write  a novel. Sound loves to revel in a summer night. Revel means, a lively and noisy way. So, imagine the various sounds of summer, laughter, boats, cars music events just to name a few. Poetry a beautiful rendition of words that dance on paper from our heart and mind. Words that entertain our dreams and fantasies. People love to dream and imagine. Our minds are like a recorder registering data daily. It does not matter whether the imagines in our mind or negative or positive, our brain will still store the information. One way to rid ourselves of clutter in our brain is to write. Just like Edgar Allan Poe even if it sounds a little strange.
Happy Writing, you just may find a POET inside of you.
I'm Carolyn Coleman-Grady

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Can't see the Forrest through the Trees? Look for the light

Hey mom, dad lets play ball, can we go camping? Not today, I have lots of work and meetings today maybe tomorrow. I know many of us have heard  this as a child or say it now to your children. Seeing through the forest tress causes our eyes to follow that glimmer of light peaking through the leaves that flow back and forth with the wind. Sometimes in our attempt to achieve success, we get caught up in busy work and forget those precious moments with family. How many of you still eat at the table together? In today's generation families are so busy we find ourselves rushing in and out just long enough to say high and by. What has created the disconnect in families?

The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family ~ Thomas Jefferson. 

Being in the bosom of family has lots of meaning. I know there are some families that create such trouble that being in their bosom would be disastrous. But, the point is finding quality time away from the Internet, websites, and business long enough to spend time with the family and have fun. You say how does one create fun with in the family? I'm glad you asked. Here's a few examples: Board and card games, picnic no backyard the parks to far, its to cold create a park atmosphere in the home all you need is cover, floor, and your favorite foods turn the music on and spend time together. How about movie and popcorn night simply pull out favorite videos are create movies. My parents would put a sheet up in our den, check out the movie projector from our local library rent real to real movies. Mom would pop popcorn and have baked cookies for each of us. As a child we were so excited. As an adult this was a great way to save money and still have fun. Now we have Neflex, Primetime from Amazon, and Hulu. 

Our generation is moving so rapidly we have forgotten how to have fun. We are distracted by social media, isolated games, phones and Ipods that there are seldom conversations going on within the family unit. There must be a check in time for families to ensure that family members are doing okay mentally and physically. Seeing through the forest trees means to stir up the families imagination, creating time to just sit relax and talk to each others.Take a moment listen to this video and run to the bosom of your family. No family take a moment and call a friend to check in.

Thanks for stopping by your comments are appreciate
I am Carolyn Coleman-Grady