Friday, December 23, 2011


Digging -Ditches

If you can image your business stepping out on your own leaving current job behind what would you see? Digging ditches imagine the multitude of wholes that are dug, and they are dry, dusty and empty. You walk around them and wonder in your mind what is going on there is not rain no water, I left my job and I have nothing to show for it. Now remember you've dug these ditches way before the decision to leave. You walk for days looking in these ditches and they are still empty, no rain, just dry.

Well a cloud comes over and you get a sprinkle a few questions, a small look and just a drop enters into the ditch. You go back to the beginning re evaluate your steps and suddenly a large drop falls on your head and bounces into one of the ditches, you walk oh its nothing but it hits you again, not just a peak, a question but a response, oh boy you are happy, the water pours in the first ditch begins to rise, then it stalls, so you re evaluate you steps again, follow up on that rain and it begins to pour again and again and again until it spills over into the other ditches you dug in the beginning.

Tracing your steps and re evaluating, implementing techiniques that work bring streams of water to pour over into the next ditch. Hey ditches are good it leaves room for more water.

Thanks for stopping buy and remember dig those ditches you never know what rain will fall and spill over.
Merry Christmas
Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Team Rhino BWB

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