Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Carolyn Coleman-Grady RN, PHN, BSN
Better Web Builder  
                                                    Alzheimer's Disease Part 2

One of the hardest things to do is to watch your loved one slowly slip away.  Learn how to adjust to personality changes. Get involved with local organizations, such as Senior Concerns, to learn typical behaviors and how to mange the disease.  Learn to communicate with an Alzheimer's patient.  Often the Alzheimer's patient remembers the past more easily than the present.  Learn to communicate on a level that is easy for the patient to understand.

Use therapeutic activities.  Music therapy, former hobbies, pets, and establishing routine can help to alleviate the stress caused by the behavior of an Alzheimer's patient.  Good health can help reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's.  Make sure the Alzheimer's client has a good nutritional diet and gets regular exercise.

Safety is also important.  Many Alzheimer patients require supervision.  To prevents falls and injuries provide caregiver services so that the patient will not be left allow.  Providing adequate fluid to prevent dehydration.    Family support is important.  However, if you don't have family connect with your local resource center for assistance.  Care of the elderly it is our responsibility.

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I'm Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Managing with tender loving care

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Living in color-A Masterpiece

Living in color- A Masterpiece
Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

 Giving Life a Standing Ovation-The Challenge

I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people, who live what they teach, who walk their talk.
Tony Robbins

Bravo, bravo as the hands continue to clap let us give life a standing ovation. I challenge you today join the ranks of people who live what they teach, and talk.

The Challenge: Walking your talk and living life. How is this done? How do we Balance, what we do, and say? Good question the answer varies.  Beliefs, attitudes, values and customs play a performance role in what we say and do. Attitudes will paint a masterpiece, or hide the colors’ in your life.

To prepare a masterpiece get past the bad habits. Habits that were developed long time ago will destroy a masterpiece. Values and customs come in many colors. It brings unique and special tones to the designing piece. The creative wonders lie deep inside your heart and mind. Values and customs could hide the colors which desire to come out.

In nursing it is important to assess the belief system of families. It allows a nurse to assist the family in moving towards change. Often times this is challenging. Family customs, values, attitudes and behaviors can hinder outcomes. I believe it is the same in our businesses, and lives.

Making a spectacular experience that will change the course of your business is one key that will unlock a masterpiece in your life.  Behind every great masterpiece are visions, and ideas, a masterpiece in living color.  The business at hand is developing a vision that stretches your creativity.

When a masterpiece is prepared the painter gathers needed equipment, isles, paint, various sizes of paint brushes. The room is set with an atmosphere of colors. There is music that soothes the mind while the artist prepares to dazzle the world. Life develops on canvas speaking to the hearts of followers. As the artist begins he looks out an open window and captures a moment in time that would splash beautiful colors across the canvas and behold what was once a vision mingles with life in living color.

An artist speaks life into a painting, beliefs values and customs often come through a masterpiece.  The life of your business begins a vision. Speaking what you teach and walking in what you say are important. The masterpiece of ethics, character, and honesty are areas to review. It is the preparation that leverages your business. What masterpiece are you developing today?

Thanks for stopping by: join my blog http://www.nursingaffliate.blogspot.com
Carolyn Coleman-Grady- A Masterpiece-In Living Color

Thursday, February 16, 2012

[Viral]-Marketing Gone Wild

[Viral]- Marketing Gone Wild
Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

[Viral]- Marketing Gone Wild
Viral Marketing, viral advertising, or marketing buzz are buzzwords referring to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increase… (Wikipedia)

Nurses see viral as infectious, spreading from one host to the other and usually we provided teaching out reducing its spread. However, with viral marketing, we want it to be infectious and contagious. Viral Marketing takes unique techniques something different others would love to review further. When a commercial advertises something new, like Carl’s junior new biscuit breakfast my sons wanted to rush out right away to try it, the commercial shows this huge biscuit filled with items, deep voice saying try this new biscuit and it drew them right away. 

Another example of viral marketing is the new mattress commercials with the cheetah eating and partying during work time, this commercial is going wild on the video viral scene. These are just two examples of the techniques that are used to draw people. I believe it is important to consider how you are marketing your product, what marketing buzz words you use and how you advertise your information on existing social network.

One important key, limited the amount of information on your website, make sure it is not busy it may overwhelm your visitor. Create an advertising buzzword that causes people to repeat it again
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by your comments are appreciated

Carolyn Coleman-Grady Viral Marketing Gone Wild

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Times-And the Clock Struck 12

Times-And the Clock Struck 12
Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

Times-And the Clock Struck 12
Hey what time is it? How many times has someone stopped you on the street and asked you for the time? This is an opportunity to asked an important question, are you late for something, you may just receive the answer you are looking for. What if the person responds like this? I’m waiting on a call I’m looking for a job? Would you be bold enough to say, wow I was just looking for a new affiliate do you have a moment? 

Now I can’t say if this is the perfect game plan but it is a start in learning how to communicate with people we don’t know. Oh, I know it is easy to speak to friends and family we ramble on for times un-end explaining our business. If you are a seasoned Net-Work Marketer you will have no problem with calling. But, if you are new to this wonderful world of internet marketing it could be a little frightening.

Some helpful tips, always introduce yourself, and provide the purpose of your call. Find out what the prospect are the needs of the prospect; ask if the time you call is convenient. If the prospect has already signed up, ask him or her what made you sign up? Remember, they may have an existing business in need of expansion. In my opinion the most important helpful hints to remember don’t make the call to long, try to pin point a follow up call time, and give your link so they can review prior to the follow up call. Make you call about the prospect not about you. 

I’m sure there are other helpful hints you can think of please share so learning can continue. When the clock strikes twelve what will you do?

Thanks for stopping by and reading this post
Carolyn Coleman-Grady –Times and the Clock Struck 12.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Comics-Laughing Soothes the Soul

Has anyone asked you, why are you so serious? Everything you say is on a serious note. You are so hyped up you can’t find the time to laugh. I’m sure we all have these serious days.
Laughter is good for the soul, “Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are far-ranging. While more studies need to be done, studies so far have shown that laughter can help relieve pain, bring greater happiness, and even increase immunity” (Scott, 2010).

            “Laughter has always thought to be good medicine, but is there any truth to it? I remember the film, Patch Adam, where an older man goes to medical school and tries to put a sense of humor and some laughter in physician training. Before that, in the 1970s, Norman Cousins, a physician with an autoimmune disease decided that if stress made his illness worse maybe laughter would make it better. He watched hours of 
comedy TV, got better and wrote “Anatomy of an Illness: A Patient’s Perspective” (Stibich, 2009).

Comics design shows to tickle you until you can’t stop laughing. I’m not sure if any of you have heard of George Carlin, Bernie Mack, Robin Harris, Robin William, Steve Harvey. When I face the day and times get tough put one of the comics on and what how much laughter will well up inside of you. Comics bring laughter and laughter is medicine for the soul. So laugh and keep laughing it is so much fun to laugh.

Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Comics-

Stibich, M., 2009. Laughter Medicine for Diabetic Management
Scott, E., 2011. The Stress Management and Health Benefits of Laughter
Retrieved from:longevity.about.com/od/diabetessandheathaging/a/laughter-medicine.htm

Scary Maze Game-Wondering Around in a Daze

Scary Maze Game
Scary Maze Game-Wondering around in a daze
Better Web Builder

Scary Maze Game-Wondering Around in a Daze
Wondering around the internet in a daze, can’t figure out which apps to use. Trying to decide if you should click or not what a scary maze game.

Everyone is different. Sometimes it's very exciting; sometimes very scary.
Emanuel Ax

Internet surfing is different, and it can be very exciting; or sometimes very scary. There are so many ways to get lost in the internet maze game. Like board games there or guidelines, and policies to read and check.

The internet is like a maze with many paths to travel. One wrong click and your off to another section if the maze. Have you ever written something or bookmarked an article you were sure it was saved, you attempt to retrieve it and its’ not there? Oh, how frustrating this can be. Search engines, apps, offers and, click, click, click each wrong click puts you back to the beginning of the internet maze game.

Well help is on the way, you stumbleupon a video that provides you with excellent guidelines and rules of the game, you are so excited you share this information with others. Finally you find your way through the internet maze game.

The internet is a wonderful source of information, it is another form of communication, and it takes time to learn all its intricate parts. Be patient, don’t get frustrated; with each move the internet maze game could scare you away.

Have a wonderful Week
Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Scary Maze Game-Don’t get caught wondering :-)

Center-Building from the center out

And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.
Black Elk

Our businesses improve the lifestyles of family, and leave a legacy behind. The center of our business should be filled with concept knowledge, building and growth. If you stand in a circle and place the heart of the matter in the center the others will keep you pumping. Joining forces from the center out makes you strong.
The center hoop has strong binding ties that receive knowledge, training and understanding. The exterior of the center receives needed information to improve skills, and knowledge that will nourish business growth. When the center of the circle moves outside the circle it makes room for another center that strengthens the exterior once again. The wonderful thing about working together is from the center out a beautiful flower grows covering the team with a wealth of knowledge, experience and growth a lasting concept from the center out.
Thanks for stopping by your comments are appreciate
Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Center

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Live Score-The Rank and File

    • What is your live score? The rank and file what are your scores with other people? How do others view your leadership? I believe there are three Live Scores, poor, fair, good. If you’d like excellent may be added.

      Out of 0 to 10 were do you rank your communication skills, visibility, availability and follow up. It is very important to exam you style of communication are your responses to questions sounding irritated? Are you reflecting your tone of voice as I don’t want to be bothered? If you are perhaps practicing speaking in the mirror will help. Picking up the phone and just begin talking really listening to what you are saying is helpful.

      Visibility is important sharing your services and products with others, providing click able links, preparing to explain all the wonderful features of your business. Rank and file this is significant I want the body of my organization to be informed well equipped after all they are the major portion of my group

      Availability where are you? How many days does it take you to return a phone call, answer an email, respond to questions? Where are you? Are the members of your group lost in the world of see you later now that you’ve join? Follow up is so important, send an email, phone call, check in every now and then let the group know you are here to help and answer questions. Don’t leave your Live- rank and file in limbo after all they are the body of your organization.

      Attention Live-Rank and File great job
      Carolyn Coleman-Grady I’m available

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fresh-New Start

It is challenging for some to develop a Fresh-new start, there are those who love to carry their baggage everywhere they go. Waking up is a challenge, you sit on the side of your bed and the first thing you think of is where is my baggage. Dragging it everywhere you go, it is weighing you down but, something causes you to pull that baggage with you.

A Fresh-new start knocks open at your door and say Oh you again, and the door is slammed. To remove the stress you find your baggage. Now let us look at baggage it can be any size, small, medium or large. It fits most items inside, we fill it up and sometimes it overflows but we don’t remove its content because is a safe zone. This baggage is water proof, with a tough exterior and unbreakable. This baggage is tightly secured because after all we would not want a Fresh-new start to enter.

Ways to let go of your baggage get involve, pull a few items out at a time, replace them with a Fresh-new start, it could be in the form of a word, music, a written poem, a special note to yourself. The challenge is yours begin a Fresh new start today and watch that old tired baggage empty out a world of exploration, excitement and wonders.

It is something special about making a Fresh-new start; something happens people begin to gravitate to you, like in your business. I’m sure we’ve all had some failed ideas, bad choices and many mistakes but, what is great in the mist of our error a new fresh idea enters your heart and you run with it. For me Internet marketing is so fresh and new in my life, I can’t stop search for instruction, ideas and examples. You have to move the old baggage out of the way and start a fresh new start maintain a positive outlook and stick to your plan.

Thanks for stopping by
Carolyn Coleman-Grady: A fresh-new start you deserve it.