Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Times-And the Clock Struck 12

Times-And the Clock Struck 12
Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

Times-And the Clock Struck 12
Hey what time is it? How many times has someone stopped you on the street and asked you for the time? This is an opportunity to asked an important question, are you late for something, you may just receive the answer you are looking for. What if the person responds like this? I’m waiting on a call I’m looking for a job? Would you be bold enough to say, wow I was just looking for a new affiliate do you have a moment? 

Now I can’t say if this is the perfect game plan but it is a start in learning how to communicate with people we don’t know. Oh, I know it is easy to speak to friends and family we ramble on for times un-end explaining our business. If you are a seasoned Net-Work Marketer you will have no problem with calling. But, if you are new to this wonderful world of internet marketing it could be a little frightening.

Some helpful tips, always introduce yourself, and provide the purpose of your call. Find out what the prospect are the needs of the prospect; ask if the time you call is convenient. If the prospect has already signed up, ask him or her what made you sign up? Remember, they may have an existing business in need of expansion. In my opinion the most important helpful hints to remember don’t make the call to long, try to pin point a follow up call time, and give your link so they can review prior to the follow up call. Make you call about the prospect not about you. 

I’m sure there are other helpful hints you can think of please share so learning can continue. When the clock strikes twelve what will you do?

Thanks for stopping by and reading this post
Carolyn Coleman-Grady –Times and the Clock Struck 12.

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